Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

The VTS (Virtual Tissue Simulator) is an open source library for .NET that was designed as a modular and scalable platform to provide an integrated suite of computational tools to define, solve, visualize, and analyze relevant forward and inverse radiative transport problems in Biomedical Optics.
A wrapper for mongo database repositories
A library to make life easy when using Azure Table Storage for data storage and retrieval.
C# library for calculating intervals and the duration between days, weeks, fortnights, bimonthly, months, quarters and years
Schedule task in a procedure queue
Oauth2.0 Client
Oauth2.0 Server
C# extensions.
For JSON Web Token (JWT) creation, parsing and validation. This is a dependency of package EasyJwt. If used directly you will need to provide json serialization/deserialization and signature hashing.
Common utilities for c#
wrapper win32 api for c#
A simple class with a method for handling cache busting on static files (.Net)
Create Transactional use cases. For documentation please access:
Took the code from and made myself a reusable nuget to be able to make db-specific sequential guids.
SQLite .NET Standard Library - Beta Please clone this repo for samples: All platforms supported. Including -iOS -NET -Android -UWP
packete que sirve para realizar operaciones basicas como: envio de correo, realizar operaciones en el active directory como logear y consultar usuario y crear archivos de icalendar en MVC o C# para escritorio
Xamarin library wrapping Cisco Spark RESTful APIs. published to be used by Xamarin developers since darrenparkinson sparkdotnet is incompatible with Xamarin PCL projects. Please visit the official Cisco developer portal at