Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

C# Extention Terbilang untuk menyebutkan angka dalam bahasa indonesia.
Utility for converting JSON string to specific C# object format
Builds html responses from bot
A Screeps Profiler (screeps-profiler) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Pocomapper is a mapping library that can convert dynamic data into static types and populate complex nested child objects
AfriTextBox is a material textbox
A simple and lightweight query .NET library for Solr, in a controlled, buildable and fail fast way. Provider for Simple injector Dependency Injection.
A simple and lightweight query .NET library for Solr, in a controlled, buildable and fail fast way. Provider for Ninject Dependency Injection.
A simple and lightweight query .NET library for Solr, in a controlled, buildable and fail fast way. Provider for native .Net Core Dependency Injection.
A simple and lightweight query .NET library for Solr, in a controlled, buildable and fail fast way. Provider for Autofac Dependency Injection.
A simple and lightweight query .NET library for Solr, in a controlled, buildable and fail fast way.
Extensions to the ResultMonad package. For more information see
A collection of useful classes and C# language extensions.
A collection of validation attributes that can be used in any .NET Core project to supplement the existing Data Annotations attributes.
The core abstractions and public interfaces used for .NET Core application development.
A usefull tools to call api.
C# Rest Client for IGDB API
YarFramework.EnterpriseBase is the core enterprise application assembly for YarFramework
A usefull tools to call api.