Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Mersenne-Twister random number generator from C++11 in .NET
An implementation of Monad in C#. For use as a DTO in personal projects. Provides a simple data transform and DTO for return value guarantee.
TinySine USB/Wireless Relay Module TOSR1x - Interfacing Library for .NET
A quick way to validate any model with lambda expressions.
Gracefully Coding. For Universal Windows Platform.
A C# API for TheGamesDB, a free open-source online database for video games.
Redux implementation for C# with reactive extensions support
amend is a cloud-based service that provides an end-to-end image management solution including uploads, storage, manipulations, optimizations and delivery.
Library for reading Tiled TMX files.
Event aggregation (Pub-Sub) library for Xamarin and .NET applications. This is basically the MvvmCross Messenger plugin without the MvvmCross part
DoLog is a logging application which helps you to log in a CSV file by just plugged in. Install it through Nuget package and your logging functionality is ready. Steps to Add DoLog: 1. Run the command from Nuget package manager console. 2. Add the namespace using DoLogLibrary; // put it in names...
Provides CRUD wrappers around the Dapper Micro-ORM, and SQL generation for Selects built from C# expression trees. Built from a fork of Dapper.Contrib
Allows you to create post-build MSBuild tasks within the currently building assembly
A part of PushSharp,only support push apple
Twitter Dll
F# Active pattern functions for Roslyn Compiler Platform
Desktop Recording library.(For winform, wpf) Beta version. (If you execute this module, you must run as administrator account.)
A library for enhancing the use of PubNub's C# APIs in CTI's .NET applications