Top 20 NuGet builder Packages

Allows you to install templates which can help you to use EasyQuery components in your ASP.NET Core project: create new controllers and views, add necessary script files, etc.
Migrating from full framework to .netstandard
A modest way to build objects
A NuGet package which can be used to easily create item and project templates for Visual Studio using the dotnet Template Engine (
It helps in generating complex queries, optimizing code and generating more flexibility, making it easier to maintain and create complex queries with less bureaucracy.
Build a versioned database from sql script files in a directory structure. Documentation:
A C# library which helps create customized and extensible LINQ-like sql queries more easily.
Base class for composable builder types
This middleware will show a 'typing' event whenever a long running operation is occurring in your bot or other middeware components in the pipeline, providing a visual cue to the user that your bot is doing something.
Provides an Autofac module to simplify the registration of components in IoC For MySQL
Implementation of SqlRepoEx ORM for Lambda Turn to MySQL statement
Implementation of SqlRepoEx ORM for Lambda Turn to Ms SQL statement。
Provides multiple methods to integrate QueryBuilders.NET with the Dapper micro-orm
Implementation of EasyDapper for Microsoft SQL Server
OmniCX Query Builder contains the dll references used in dynamic query builders for reporting, segmentation.
Provides extensions for testing usage of SqlRepo components using NSubstitute
Dapper Builder for .NET Core