Top 20 NuGet binding Packages

Xamarin.iOS binding for DownPicker Objective C Library
Configuration Parser provides the most convenient way to read configuration files of your applications. The parser is specifically designed to easily bind custom configuration sections. All required mapping and performing casts will be made by the Configuration Parser automatically.
Xamarin bindings to the native iOS Voice SDK including for all encrypting functionality of native sdk.
Render/bind .Net objects into Excel via Templates. Binding can be bi-directional. Manage objects, rows, cells selections. Add decorators, dynamic menus, buttons into your templates...
Binding iOS CircleProgressBar
Binding BaiduLBS_Android_v4_2_1
Xamarin bindings to the native DGActivityIndicatorView, which is a great way to make loading spinners in your application look nicer. It contains 6 different indicator view styles. Inspired by:
An iOS binding library for JPush
Xamarin bindings library for the Android PhotoView library
Xamarin bindings library for the Android AwesomeImagePicker library
Android Swipe Layout
Observable extensions and helpers for use with XAML Binding.
// 版本号码:前3码是对应原生SDK版号,后1码是Nuget上传版号 //(代码于正式版时公开)
// 版本号码:前3码是对应原生SDK版号,后1码是Nuget上传版号 iOS Project Options >> iOS Build >> Addtional mtouch Arguments: --gcc_flags="-stdlib=libstdc++" ///////////////////////////////////////// MAMapView mapView = null; public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); Thinkpower.BindingIOS.AMap_Map.MA...
Just another Dependency Injection Framework
Just another (portable) Dependency Framework
BindableProperties is a class library which provides a bindable properties system similar to "Microsoft WPF Dependency Properties" and "Xamarin Bindable Properties" systems. The biggest difference of BindableProperties to those systems is that it does NOT depend on any other 3rd party platform or fr...