Top 20 NuGet binding Packages

Auto INotifyPropertyChanged with Fody and other implementation options.
A Class Library containing common Value Converters for use in Xamarin.Forms projects.
Create bindings directly from lambda expressions using CodeBinding
Extensions for Silverlight comboboxes to implement loading ComboBox contents asynchronously, cascading ComboBoxes, and using ComboBoxes for Entity associtations.
Replacement for Event To Command behavior for WinRT XAML applications (Windows 8 or Windows Phone 8)
Bob wasn't a great product for Microsoft but maybe Bob can add what's missing for Windows 8
Xamarin Android Binding library for Facebook Android SDK
XmlObjectMapper - XML Data Binding Framework
A micro-library to provide support for easy view model creation and view/view model composition.
The library supports dynamic binding thru the notion of tokens. Tokens are enclosed by curly brackets. They will be evaluated at runtime and get interpolated after being resolved. The parsing mode is very lenient where tokens that fail to resolve are replaced by empty strings with an option to disp...
DataBind is a simple javascript function that facilitates binding Data from a JSON object to a HTML template. The objective of this script is to enable using templates without introducing any new or invalid syntax and without dictating the way you structure your application. All you need is a single...
Utility and helper classes and extensions for Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation.
Allows binding events directly to commands in XAML code. Works for both WPF and Silverlight applications.
MJ.Core is the core part of MJ.MVC framework, in charge of binding data models to UI controls for C# WinForm applications
Multi-binding for XAML
A DuoCode Binding for the Knockout.BindingConventions library
// 版本号码:前3码是对应原生SDK版号,后1码是Nuget上传版号 // [Activity(Label = "App1", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon")] [MetaData("com.amap.api.v2.apikey", Value = "your-apikey")] public class MainActivity : Activity { Com.Amap.Api.Maps2d....
The CAS.UA.IServerConfiguration library contains a shared interfaces for server configuration which UA applications can reference. The library provides an abstraction over any OPC UA server configuartion plug-in. Using the library allows an application to indirectly access the server con...