Top 20 NuGet binding Packages

Binding of the oficial Stripe SDK for iOS (Xamarin). Binding made using oficial repository:
Binding manager and interfaces for adding bindings to existing UI frameworks.
The binding Engine that support Binding for all .net environment : WinForm, WPF, Web, Mono, Xamarin, etc.
Project Tango SDK Binding for Xamarin.Android (.NET)
Layer bindings for Xamarin.Android
Provides a bindable Android ViewPager for use with MvvmCross bindings.
A tool for binding controls, variables and typed event handlers to custom Settings classes.
Binding to enum collections
Binding for Windows Forms
The FuncConverter class.
STPopup provides STPopupController, which works just like UINavigationController in form sheet/bottom sheet style, for both iPhone and iPad.
Xamarin.iOS binding library for JBChartView
DataContext and CommandContext allow you to separate data and commands into two dedicated view models.