Top 20 NuGet asp Packages

My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC common abstractions and interfaces.
FormFactory is a UI component engine for Console apps, ASP.NET Core and MVC5. It reflects over your view models to build a component tree, then renders that according to customisable templates. Drive yuour views by convention instead of hard coding them.
This is Marvin's JsonPatch document compiled in .NET Standard. JSON Patch ( defines a JSON document structure for expressing a sequence of operations to apply to a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document; it is suitable for use with the HTTP PATCH method. The ...
Allows consumers to easily convert HTML strings to PDF using the `IHtmlToPdfConverter` interface.
Allows consumers to easily convert strings to Markdown using the `IMarkdownConverter` interface. This package is the abstractions of a simple markdown converter: IMarkdownConverter. See ForEvolve.Markdown for implementations.
Plugin Manager generic interfaces and abstract classes for sharing between plugins
Plugin Manager Plugin which generates a robots.txt file, based on DenySpider attributes on classes or methods within controllers. If UserSessionMiddleware.Plugin is also installed, will check to see if a bot is trying to access a page it has been denied, and return a 403 forbidden result.
Plugin Manager Highly optimised memory cache plugin
Plugin Manager restrict access to specific routes by ip address
Plugin Manager highly optimised geo ip plugin
Plugin Manager middleware business object layer
Extensions of ForEvolve.OperationResults ASP.NET Core. Adds support for ProblemDetails and includes a ModelBinderErrorActionFilter.
Blazor components and utilities for use with the StateR library.
StateR, pronounced stator, is an experimental C# 9.0-based, Redux-inspired, state management library for .NET.
Some vertical slice architecture tools like validators, converters, etc.
Core logic for Endpointer client applications.
Glader.ASP.ServiceDiscovery is a basic library for Service Discovery. Provides a quality Refit HTTP client interface as well as Entity Framework Core Database, Repository and ASP Controller for doing simple Service Discovery.
Quickly setup account endpoints in an ASP.NET web application or in HTTP Azure Functions. Works perfect with Endpointer.Authentication.API.
Glader.ASP.GameConfig is an ASP Core, EntityFramework, Refit-based and JSON-based Game Configuration service library.
Glader.ASP.GameConfig is an ASP Core, EntityFramework, Refit-based and JSON-based Game Configuration service library.