Top 20 NuGet asp Packages

DryIoc extension for OWIN
DryIoc extension for ASP.NET WebAPI
DryIoc extension for ASP.NET WebAPI
DryIoc extension for ASP.NET WebAPI and OWIN
ForEvolve Framework core classes.
Multiple ASP.NET Core utilities, including email, configuration, access to HTTP headers, etc.
Plugin Manager User Session Manager middleware retains user session information within ASP.Net Core websites
Plugin Manager easily manage multiple caches and access cached data
Plugin Manager Highly optimised GeoIp plugin
Plugin Manager Plugin which monitors Url's and Query/Form input for sql injection attempts. Provides feed back on those "Bad Eggs" why don't play nicely!
Plugin Manager Highly optimised localization plugin
Plugin Manager Plugin which generates breadcrumbs based on controller method attributes
Plugin Manager provides Seo data for any route within a web application
Provides feature to integrate Hisoka in AspNet Core applications
Plugin Manager Generate sitemaps for a website
Core logic for Endpointer API applications.
Glader.ASP.ServiceDiscovery is a basic library for Service Discovery. Provides a quality Refit HTTP client interface as well as Entity Framework Core Database, Repository and ASP Controller for doing simple Service Discovery.
Popular lib for using with IQueryable. Install this package to use with MVC5
DryIoc extension for ASP.NET providing Web Request Reuse
MvcRouteTester is a .Net library to help unit testing ASP MVC route tables. It contains asserts for for both regular controllers and the Api controllers that are new in MVC 4.0. It is built in .Net 4.5 and ASP MVC 5.2.3. See the project page for packages for ASP MVC 51, 5.0 and ASP MVC 4.0