Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

LiteX Utility is the collections of utility and helper classes, and extension methods for .NET. It includes code to help with tasks including randomization, reflection (TypeHelper, AssemblyHelper, ReflectionHelper), various data types extensions, other classes, etc.
My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC Newtonsoft JSON components.
That is an open-source plugin(modular) and multi-tenant application framework built with ASP.NET Core, and a content management system (CMS) built on top of that application framework. Include a main project without referencing it using mvc structure in .dll projects as a plugin.
Software library that manages common delivery functions that are needed in software delivery projects. This library manages the integration of logging into core applications that uses the Serilog framework.
Server side support for jqGrid in ASP.NET Core that uses Newtonsoft.Json.
VideoConverter for AspNetCore,ffmpeg
AspNetCore middleware to serve image thumbnails with disk caching.
Software library that manages common delivery functions that are needed in software delivery projects. This library manages the integration of logging into core applications that uses the Serilog framework.
Smart container library configuration extensions
Implementation of RESTful Services using ASP.NET Core
Entity Framework Core migration package for MySql
HwInfoReader.AspNetCore is an ASP.NET Core package which contains dependency injection extensions for registering HwInfoReader in AspNet Core projects.
Enable local communication and debugging between ASP.NET Core applications that are configured to run as AWS Lambda functions.
AspNetCore commonly used code for validation.
AspNetCore commonly used code.
ASP.Net Core IServer implementation, that processes requests by Solace.
An integration between AspNetCore.SignalR and Orleans to allow communication between clients distributed across multiple servers and backend services.