Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

Graphscriber is a middleware made for FSharp.Data.GraphQL that adds support for GraphQL over Web Socket specification in popular servers, such as ASP.NET Core applications.
Applyze Authentication implementation for AspNetCore.
AggregatedServices is simply generator which generates .NET class based on provided interface. This way simplifies services aggregation and mass services usage.
Generic repository to communicate with mongo db database using c#driver
Swagger Generator for API's built on ASP.NET Core
AggregatedServices is simply generator which generates .NET class based on provided interface. This way simplifies services aggregation and mass services usage.
OneWorldDbClient.SqlServer is a OneWorldDbClient extension for Microsoft SQL Server.
.Net Core Identity Client
Simple MediatR pipeline behavior that creates a Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger scope logging start, finish and failure events including ellapsed time.
Use F# to create and consume flexible, strongly typed web APIs following the JSON:API specification.
Use F# to create and consume flexible, strongly typed web APIs following the JSON:API specification.
Use F# to create and consume flexible, strongly typed web APIs following the JSON:API specification.
UnitOfWork, Repository pattern implementation for ASP.NET Core data accesss layer.
Ding是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的NetCore核心类库。
Extend Update,Delete