Top 20 NuGet Packages

This package implements logic for cookie authentication with refresh token mechanism through a JWT genereated by any Furiza Security Provider WebApi, making possible to work with the JWT generated for microservices webapis in browser based web applications.
This package implements base logic for browser based web application startup configuration, including cookie authentication, automapping, exception handling and rest client through Refit.
This package configures audit for applications, abstracting the mechanism used (SqlServer with Dapper, etc.).
This package delivery an interface to be used in any application concern for audit purposes.
This package implements an audit trail provider making use of SqlServer with Dapper.
Domain project contains entities and value objects widely used in various brazilian business domains.
Exceptions project contains base exception and typed exception that you can use in order to throw errors known to the domain. In a webapi, a handler will capture these errors and generate a formatted output.
Serialization of Exceptions project contains common classes for DTO purposes during exceptions serialization and deserialization in an exception handling. In case of a business error, the DTO BadRequestError reflect CoreException properties that can be displayed externally; in case of a system error...
Abstractions project contains interfaces that you may use to implement authentication and authorization logic and to transform user claims principal into a rich domain entity.
SeedWork project contains base classes and interfaces that you can use as a base for your domain entities and value objects.
This package configures caching for applications, abstracting the storage used (Memory, SqlServer, Redis, etc.).
This package delivery an interface to be used in any application concern for caching purposes.
This package add extension methods to IConfiguration interface.
This package add extension methods to IConfiguration interface.
This package configures logging for applications, abstracting the framework used.
This package configures networking for http requests. It offers a HttpClientFactory that create HttpClients with AccessToken added as an Authorization Bearer header obtained from an UserPrincipal retrieved from HttpContext.
This package delivery interfaces to be used in any application concern for http requests.