Top 20 NuGet Packages

Simple DB manager for data seeding.
In-memory JSON configuration provider extending Microsoft configuration.
Generic tools: Config, Data, Text.
Generic XML helpers.
Library meant to provide easy abstraction and mockability for common .NET classes (e.g., DateTime, File, Environment).
A collection of extension methods supplementing a variety of classes in the .NET Framework.
Shared library for mediator pattern. This library provides base and abstract implementations used by DI constainer-specific implementations.
A Simple ASPX project which integrates FusionChart's ExcelExport to your new or existing project.
FusionCharts.NET is a charting library for ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET WebForms, which uses FusionCharts JavaScript (HTML5) library internally to render interactive charts.
Fusion P/Invoke description
This package is part of the database support. It should not be included on its own, but as a dependency of the database package selected.
The Oracle piece of the CommonCode.Data package. Note that some data types are not yet implemented.
This package makes dealing with SQL Server easier if, like me, you don't care for Entity Framework.