Top 20 NuGet Packages

Provides a simple option type for C# allowing you to never return null and communicate to your consumers that something might or might not have a value.
Provides pattern matching for C# using a fuent syntax. It will allow you to use a more functional approach to complex if/else and switch statements.
Provides additional types and methods allowing patternamtching to return discriminatedunions. You can now return different types with patternamtching;and return a discriminated union of these types.
contains extions mehtods to create a functional switch, wich is described under
Some useful objects for functional design patterns
Package Description
Functional library constructs to C# language
Package Description
Fitting class with corresponding function library and interfaces.
Package Description
Adds some queuing Functionality for type based queues.
Package Description
Fully featured async ICommand implementation with builder methods.
RPN Expression Parser and Evaluator with databinding to POCO and INPC instances.
Deserialise an XML stream to an Object Graph of any shape in a single pass