Top 20 NuGet Packages

DynamicPropertyAccessor allows you to set and get property values dynamically without the performance penalty of Reflection. DynamicPropertyAccessor performs around 300 to 400% faster than Reflection (please see performance test at project site).
Fody-based proxy generator with support for async patterns - based on sexy-proxy but with a slightly different name
Dynamic repository with many built-in data access methods for Repository Pattern implementation for .NET projects using EF6, EF Core or MongoDB.
Package Description
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 SDK libraries required for Plugins
Dynamics 365 SDK Core Libraries
My package description.
A clean, bloat free package for Dynamics CRM 2015 development.
Debbugging Dynamics CRM IPlugin and CodeActivity Execute method without deployment and profiling. Use to imporve quality and productivity of your Dynamics CRM testing and debugging.
A set of extension to the CRM SDK to enable a more fluent interface.
Command Line tool for importing and exporting solutions to and from Dynamics CRM, as well as publishing customizations
This is an MSBuild Runtime assembly utilzied by the Dynamics CRM Developer toolkit.
Dynamics ERP NuGet
The set of assemblies (by Microsoft) for developing the desktop clients for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015.
Extensions for efficient runtime reflection and structural induction.