Top 20 NuGet Packages

This package gives you dynamic access to your AppSettings or some other arbitrary NameValueCollection.
Run C# code from a string in either trusted or untrusted modes.
For most applications the *out of box* functionality of the System.Configuration classes work well. However, there are situations when you need a better way to handle multiple sets of configuration data. For example, you may need a set of configuration data per environment (e.g. development, systems...
Dynamic Controls for MVC
Package that contains assemblies for connect to Dynamics CRM 365
15 Filters for Dynamic Data; GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThan, LessThanOrEqual, DateRange, Range, Autocomplete, Contains, MultiForeignKey, StartsWith, EndsWith, DateFrom, DataTo.
NotAClue Dynamic Data Autocomplete ForeignKey Field Templates for foreign key fields with many rows.
NotAClue Dynamic Data Cascade Filters and Field Templates
NotAClue Dynamic Data Custom FieldTemplates for Uploading Files, Images, Selecting from a set of images and Ajax Date Picker.
Dynamic Data embedded database image field template and http handler.
NotAClue Dynamic Data Extensions, Includes: HideColumnIn, ShowOnlyIn and Filter Order attributes with extended MetaModel.
Library for ducking objects at runtime against an interface using a proxy generated in a dynamic library. DynamicInteractionProviders are used by the proxy to interact with the underlying object, allowing for methods such as: -reflection -latebinding (COM) -dictionary (expando) Silverl...
The Dynamic Expression API extends the core LINQ API and provides: Dynamic parsing of strings to produce expression trees, Dynamic creation of "Data Classes", and Dynamic string-based querying through LINQ providers.
The site extension provides an User Interface to update the Dynamic IP Restriction for App Services
This project is used to call dynamic linq functions on unknown types. The dynamic linq query is structured using reflection.
Dynamic Linq Query Builder base on Expressions (core). Excellent PrepareQuery method with QueryParams
C# library to migrate a database table to match a given Type