Top 20 NuGet Packages

A Dynamic Dictionary where every member is a List
腾讯云 云解析客户端
Exposes environment variable interactions through a Dynamic object.
Simple C# expression builder at run-time.
A dynamic expression builder that can be used to dynamically sort and/or filter LINQ/EF queries
A package for filtering queries or arrays.
A lightweight package to help you filter data using linq and dynamic linq
The Fluent Builder Pattern without all the manual work.
A .Net library for managing native DLLs at run-time. This library provides the ability to call procedures from native DLLs without knowing the names of the procedures or libraries that you are going to use while compiling.
Package Description
Dynamic specification of filters that are translated to LINQ queries using Expression trees. Can be executed on EFCore and In-Memory collections.
Dynamic specification of filters that are translated to LINQ queries using Expression trees. Can be executed on EFCore and In-Memory collections.
Dynamic LTSV parser for C#.
This library is designed for transforming objects through an object Mapper / Merger, which contains a set of actions for mapping properties from source object into destination object. This library can be useful when applications need to transform business data into DTO objects, or maybe in another c...
DynamiControls Angular Modal Dialog allows creation of modal dialogs similar to FancyBox but without the use of jQuery.
Creates dynamic plugin in core