Top 20 NuGet Packages

Serilog sink which sends logs to the Sumo Logic machine data analytics platform.
Add a Swagger(ui 3.x) to your WebApi projects!
Extends Swashbuckle with OData v4 support! Supports both WebApi and OData controllers!
This Syncfusion package provides 90+ high-performance, lightweight, user friendly, and responsive ASP.NET Core controls.
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion Xamarin Calendar control and more.
The package contains the following Syncfusion pivot controls for ASP.NET Core platform. List of controls: PivotClient: Syncfusion pivot client control provides support to show OLAP and relational data in both cross-tabulated and graphical formats along with rich UI options to slice and dice the r...
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion Xamarin PopupLayout control and more.
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion Xamarin TabView control and more.
The official SQLite database engine for both x86 and x64 along with the ADO.NET provider.
Provides Classes that allow you to decouple code logging rich (unserializable) diagnostics/telemetry (e.g. framework) from code that consumes it (e.g. tools) Commonly Used Types: System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticListener System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource
Single producer single consumer byte buffer management. Commonly Used Types: System.IO.Pipelines.Pipe System.IO.Pipelines.PipeWriter System.IO.Pipelines.PipeReader
Provides support for PKCS and CMS algorithms. Commonly Used Types: System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.EnvelopedCms
Provides the System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController class, which allows you to connect to a Windows service, manipulate it, or get information about it. Commonly Used Types: System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus System.ServiceProcess.ServiceType
Package Description
A testing host for applications using BLiP SDK to ease integration testing. This host fakes the server incoming and outgoing message transport so you can control the delivery of messages to your chatbot and inspect which messages are produced by it.
The most powerful free mocking library available for .NET developers.
Web API intgration package for resource/action based authorization.
Provides abstractions for the Thor core.
Provides localized time zone names.
TinyMapper - a tiny and quick object mapper for .Net.