Top 20 NuGet Packages

A lightweight and simple benchmark tool. This is a compiled version of BenchmarkLite.
Schedules benchmark jobs on both the server and client.
This package includes bench-console, a tool that allows to run and aggregate results of benchmarks are written using BenchmarkSuite.Framework
Framework for creating benchmarks for your application using NUnit-like style by decorating benchmarks with [Bench] and [BenchFixture] attributes
A simple .NET utility to benchmark the performance of (often stochastic) algorithms. The typical usage is to benchmark various configurations of a stochastic algorithm and compare how they perform both result-wise and speed-wise. It is not meant to perform microbenchmarks.
Benchmarque, a code benchmarking library and runner
Benchy is an open source .net tool for benchmarking the execution speed of sections of code after each build. Benchmarks are graphed so that changes to performance characteristics in builds can be easily visualised.
Encode and decode data with bencode rules
A collection of classes for supporting the domain model pattern in .NET Core.
A collection of classes for supporting the repository pattern and domain model pattern in .NET Core with Entity Framework Core.
A collection of classes for working with JSON.
A collection of classes and extension methods for working with XML in .NET Core.
Extensible HTTP proxy with SSL support
Sample project
Package Description
An abstraction library for RFID
An abstraction library for NFC RFID based on BenDotNet.RFID library