Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
A library that contains all needed utilities for true REST API
A build task that will generate clients from a core project
Contains extension method to install the HttpClientFactory as the used http clients
Contains MessagePack serializer for Beffyman.AspNetCore.Client.Generator clients
Contains System.Text.Json serializer for Beffyman.AspNetCore.Client.Generator clients
Contains protobuf serializer for Beffyman.AspNetCore.Client.Generator clients
A helper package for Beffyman.AspNetCore.Client.Generator that contains known attributes that affect the generation
Package Description
Library that contains the UdpMessage contracts for interacting with Beffyman.UdpServer
Library that contains the serializer interface for Beffyman.UdpContracts
Library that contains the UdpContracts serializer implementation for MessagePack
Library that contains the UdpContracts serializer implementation for Newtonsoft.Json
Library that contains the UdpContracts serializer implementation for Utf8Json
A Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting extension that implements a HostedService that accepts Udp messages into UdpHandlers, abstracting away the socket layer
Befunge Interpreter Library
Base class for BDD that enables the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern
Convention-based approach of writing unit tests.
The Behaviors Software Development Kit (XAML) provides information about behaviors, which are pieces of packaged code that you can reuse to add interactivity to your apps. To incorporate a behavior from the SDK, you drag it onto any object and then changing its properties to better suit your applica...