Top 20 NuGet Packages

Common code models
Common code services
Common test code
Common code components for WebApi
Common code web repositories
BellaCode.Mvvm is a lightweight library for following the Model-View-ViewModel (M-V-VM) pattern.
Add some extensions. this package will absolutely be updated in future
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
Bellight AutoMapper
Bellight Configurations
Bellight Core
Bellight MediatR
Bellight MessageBus Amqp
The library for statistical analysis.