Top 20 NuGet Packages

An .NET library aiming to fully implement the android API.
Pjax for .net core mvc. Using cooperated with jQuery.pjax(
A library to integrate ASP.NET MVC with jQuery.pjax.
A library to integrate ASP.NET MVC with jQuery.pjax.
A library to integrate ASP.NET MVC with jQuery.pjax.
ASP.NET MVC Core middleware to handle PJAX requests from MoOx/pjax.
Package containing web specific implementation of PK.Application
Package containing target for making NuGet packages
Common logic for a generic way of accessing settings regardless of the platform and settings source that is being used
Implementation of PK.Settings for accessing settings from the application configuration file (Web.config or App.confing)
Implementation of PK.Settings for accessing settings from the local settings or roaming setting (for Windows Store Apps)
NUnit attributes for complex testcases
A helpful library for including signals into your domain model.
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Biblioteka testów dla przedmiotu Programowanie Komponentowe
Base packge for creating pla platform componenets.