Top 20 NuGet Packages

C# DDD Distributed Services Layer
C# DDD Application Layer
A simple chain of responsibility framework for .NET
Implement base class implementing Disposable objects
Implement base class by implementing INotifyPropertyChanged interface
Paquete base del entorno de desarrollo para Xamarin
Implement object validation
Implement classes for the security of a Web application.
piTop Camera module module.
piTop Camera module module.
Package helps to bootstrap a full framework application to PCF with persisting session to Redis
A wrapper for the Pivotal Tracker Rest API
An unofficial .NET API wrapper for
A Api that fetches images from Pixiv
2.5D pixel game engine built on FNA
Pixela API client for .NET Standard
Extension methods for GraphQL.
A simple library to interact with API
A Parser for serializing and deserializing .pixi files used by PixiEditor