Top 20 NuGet Packages

Phoenix Framework WebSocket Client for .NET
A control that mimics the behaviour of the Email app's reply/reply all/forward menu.
PhoneNumberKit binding for Xamarin.iOS - requires Xcode 10.2.1
Test for the photo.exif package
Common types used across Photomechanics projects.
Photomechanics turntable control API core.
The probably fastest way to use custom contracts in Photon
Typed Asynchronous RPC Layer for Photon Server. This package includes Server libs + Analyzer + HubInvoker
Simple dependency injection framework based on emitting CIL code. Extension for xUnit.
Simple text file indexing library.
Physical File System for the FSA Interfaces. It will use your Windows (or Lunix, maybe) as a source.
Math Library. A wrapper / extension to MathNet.Numerics to add extra functionality.
This library allows you to perform physical calculation while retaining unit consistency. Units can be added to the system at any time. Named units can be used to display quantities in a proper format. The system also allows you to parse units expressed in their string format from storage.
This package contains a testbed for RigidBody physics simulation, showing various aspects of their configuration and interaction.
.NET wrapper for NVIDIA PhysX 3.3.4