Top 20 NuGet Packages

This is simple LINE Clova SDK for C#.
Helper library to create extensions for WinDbg/LLDB using ClrMD.
Tool for capturing managed stack traces from .NET applications.
P/Invoke for CLR Applications
This library is an OO implementation of the CLSI LIS2-A2 standard. "Specification for Transferring Information Between Clinical Laboratory Instruments and Information Systems; Approved Standard—Second Edition" The library includes all LIS2-A2 records.
only private project use
A .Net client library for the Clubhouse API
Easy to build a cluster command in the format of "command.exe command.controller command.action command.options"
Implementation of Clutch.Diagnostics.Logging using NLog
Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) implementation on .NET
A JavaScript based command line interface for web pages.
Package Description
腾讯云消息队列服务cmq C# SDK
CMS Query Language (CMSQL), is a DSL specifically designed for use in Content Management Systems to query over tree structured data.
This package contains the EPiServer CMSQL specific implementation.
A lightweight IoC container with only property dependency injection.
Essential extension methods for daily work.
A Lightweight IoC Container with Property Dependency Injection.