Top 20 NuGet Packages

CodeCop Setup Unity container adapter
Set of wrapper classes that convert common UI controls into page model abstractions.
.Net Core Dependency Injection Tool
Code First API Library, Scaffolding and Guidance for Coded UI Tests
Customized Specflow test generator privdor for Coded UI with MsTest
CodedViews Class Library
CodeElements.BizRunner provides basic interfaces to define business actions in a Domain Driven Design.
A source code package designed to provide utilities to build up REST resources very fast and clean.
The code to use NetSerializer as serializer for CodeElements.NetworkCall.
Software factory automation library used with the CodeFactory for Visual Studio.
CodeFirst for uCommerce. Eliminate the manual process of creating definitions in uCommerce backend. Simple creation of definitions and easy deployment.
CodeFirstConfig will make your configuration pain go away! Writing configurable code is sometimes boring, tedious and repeatable task. Not to mention that config files can sometimes grow out of control to complete and utter config hell! You need to think about correct config keys, about parsing va...
Plugin for CodeFirstConfig which can use Microsoft® SQL Server® Compact Database as configuration source.
Package Description
See GitHub wiki for more information:
Provides the attributed hooks for invoking metrics collector type generation.
Common ASP.NET Core Web tools