Top 20 NuGet Packages

My library of extensions for ClojureCLR
Convenient wrapper around clojure's persistent collections using generics.
Import & Export Excel Operations
Utility library for doing complex equality comparisons
Generates Google Closure Compiler type annotations from .NET types
It allows the creation of background tasks with ViewModel in Xamarin Android.
Package Description
Cloud.Simple makes simple work of cloud exception handling and logging. See the githib project for usage details. Just enter a storage account name and key, and you're good to go.
Provides a wrapper around the CloudAtCost API, allowing you to control your servers from your .NET application
Foundation library for designing NUnit based tests for CloudB path types (data models)
This library allows the creation of Manager, Root and Block services for a CoudB network infrastructure: applications which want to expose a machine through a specific network protocol (eg. TCP/IP, HTTP, etc.) will reference this library for all the major storage and operational features.
Package Description
CloudConvert.NET provides a .NET wrapper library for CloudConvert ( API.
基于netstandard2.0的类似于Entity Framework的实体框架,目前支持SQL Server,MySQL,MariaDB,Oracle和Postgresql,CloudEntity使用了类似于Linq但又不是Linq的全新的查询方式,这会让很多熟悉Linq的开发人员打开一个新世界的大门。
This assembly provides extended features to log4net.
This package provides helper functions that convert the Delegate class to the Task class.
Cloudflare Javascript & reCaptcha challenge (I'm Under Attack Mode or IUAM) solving / bypass .NET Standard library.
A .NET PCL to bypass Cloudflare's Anti-DDoS measure (JavaScript challenge) using a DelegatingHandler.