Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Core types, exceptions and interfaces used to implement the repository pattern.
Um Repositorio Generico para sua camada de acesso a dados utilizando o MongoDB
Aibo Repository
Implementación base del patrón Repository. Incluye implementación sobre EntityFramework
Repository abstraction layer of the Barzin platform
Implemet Generic Repository
A generic repository implementation using entity framework with unit of work pattern, can be easily extended.
An easy to use Repository and UnitOfWork pattern for NHibernate.
Repository Service EF6 with UnitOfWork now with IQueryable and List features
A generic implementation of the repository pattern
An filesystem-based implementation of the generic repository pattern
Interface and base class for the repository pattern. Use this package to implement your own repositories.
My package description.
Repository pattern abstractions.
Repository pattern implementation for microsoft azure storage table. It is probably not the fastest one but maybe one of the most simple. The tradeof is the use of dynamic in order to map from model objects. to table entites.
Package Description
Package Description
Provides repository interfaces to be implemented.
Types used when interacting with the RepositoryAnalyticsApi