Top 20 NuGet Packages
.Net Report tool
My package description.
Enables you to export your DTO objects to an excel file. Useful for dataview export functionality, data analysis
Reporte RAF
Reporting Services dlls from Microsoft
Reporting Library v2
Package Description
Contains a WCF library generated from http://ReportDomain/Reportserver/ReportService2010.asmx.
Fixed Column and CSV Format Textual Reporting Tool. ReportMasterTwo was originally created to replace a deprecated reporting tool used by Sage MAS 90/200 which allowed precise fixed column layouts of text.
Reports package that contains the following DLLs Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common and Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms
A .net core utility library to export generic lists to excel file using Open Xml SDK. The collections could be master-detail style, and the cells for master fields could be merged
Common dll used by Microsoft.ReportViewer
ReportViewer's extension method to RenderPDF() a *.rdlc
Dll ReportViewer
Admin Dashboard Scripts
A usage of the repository pattern to abstract data access using LINQ independent of the data source