Top 20 NuGet Packages
This package adds functionality to rename files.
Downloads a file from a GitHub user account's 'toolbox' repository and adds it to the Visual Studio project. To learn more, please see the Project Site.
This is .NET client to access Trello Board
Port of the Python module for fast (basic) object serialization similar to bencode
Renderer.Core for wpf imaging.
Convert Html string to Pdf, using Wkhtmltopdf.
a MVVM implementation in NET.Standard
Add typed exceptions to gRPC
Loads old-style .NET projects in .NET Core.
Package Description
The Chunking extension divides an IEnumerable into equally sized chunks and allows you to iterate over them.
This may be useful when, for example, sending a large of items to a webservice, or saving a large number of items to a database, which may otherwise result in time-outs.
Package Description
Package Description
Models for the Servicing Renovation project
Package description
Package Description
修改命名空间 WebApiClient 为Rentao.WebApiClient
Package Description