Top 20 NuGet Packages
My package description.
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My package description.
My package description.
Templates to use when creating an ASP.NET Core application.
Provides comfortable interface for executing Python scripts in C#, based on extended IronPython.
Python 3.5 API
Python 3.6 API
Python 3.7 API
Python 3.8 API
Python 3.8.5 customized build by Opteamizer
Python 2.7.9 as a single, stand-alone executable with virtually all the standard libraries, plus pywin32-219 and psutil 2.1.3. Compiled with py2exe (see source below) on Windows XP. This should work on Windows XP and later. This works just like a full install of python, except you only need the one ...
Package Description
Python 2.7 API
Python2.7 unofficial dev environment package x64 and x86
Python 2.7 build for android.
Python 2.7 build for android.
Python 2.7 build for android.