Top 20 NuGet Packages

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SqlClr assembly that creates a CLR UDT that can store everything that goes in a SQL_Variant and LOB types like NVARCHAR(MAX) and XML
Convert Visual Studio generated XML Comment XML files into Github-flavoured MarkDown.
My package description.
微软官方库 ChnCharInfo.dll
Py/WinRT is a tool for generating a Python projection of any Windows Runtime library. Py/WinRT is designed to provide Python developers with first-class access to the modern Windows API.
The Pygments for .NET library exposes two properties and four methods in the Pygments.Highlighter class public static IEnumerable<Lexer> Lexers; // all the language lexers available public static IEnumerable<string> Styles; // all the Styles available public string HighlightToBBCode( ... ) pub...
Port of Python's Pygments syntax highlighter
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