Top 20 NuGet Packages

My package description.
Classes and types for inter-class communication (using events)
Helper routines to process respose data from System Matrix API commands
PVC Build Engine
simple nuget pkg demo
Persists multi part text values (dictionary string - string) into one single VARCHAR column into an Ms SQL Db (2014 or >=). The package contains a cSharp class for storing/retreiving the dictionary to/from the field and the SQL code for creating a scalar function for stored procedure implementation.
Package Description
This package includes basic quickstart boilerplate for PWA Features
Package Description
Pronounceable password generator
PWDTK Mobile (Password Toolkit Mobile) is a .NET API which easily allows you to create crypto random salt strings and generate password hashes using a HMAC SHA-256 based version of the PBKDF2 specification. It also contains an implementation of password policies which are enforced using regular expr...
PDF.NET (PWMIS Develope Framework for .net) base Enterprise Framework.
Lookup passwords and password hashes in a local copy of the "Have I Been Pwned" database.
.NET helper to call Troy Hunt's Pwned Passwords API.