Edited by Krokua HorizontalListView on steroids for Xamarin.Forms NuGet Package

* All functions from Sharpnado.HorizontalListView included.
Source: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Sharpnado.Forms.HorizontalListView/

* Horizontal, Grid, Carousel or Vertical layout
* Reveal custom animations
* Drag and Drop feature
* Column count
* Infinite loading with Paginator component
* Snapping on first or middle element
* Padding and item spacing
* Handles NotifyCollectionChangedAction Add, Remove and Reset actions
* View recycling
* RecyclerView on Android
* UICollectionView on iOS

* Constant gap between items in HorizontalListView (Android) changed to 0
This frees you from having to put strange values ​​on HorizontalListView.ItemSpacing and from here it is more (as I think) logical to control it.

Initialization (from source):
* On core project call Sharpnado.HorizontalListView.Initializer.Initialize(true, false) in App.xaml.cs after InitializeComponent().
* On platform projects (ios/android), call SharpnadoInitializer.Initialize() before Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init() and LoadApplication(new App()).

Warning: the MaterialFrame is no longer included in the package, you have to install it manually: Sharpnado.MaterialFrame.

Got any Edited by Krokua HorizontalListView on steroids for Xamarin.Forms Question?


Version: 1.8.4
Author(s): Jean-Marie Alfonsi + Krokua
Last Update: Wednesday, January 13, 2021
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Grishado.Forms.HorizontalListView

Install-Package Grishado.Forms.HorizontalListView
dotnet add package Grishado.Forms.HorizontalListView
paket add Grishado.Forms.HorizontalListView
Grishado.Forms.HorizontalListView Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)

.NETStandard 2.0 monoandroid10 monoandroid10.0 xamarinios10






