Blue.MVVM.Converter NuGet Package

MVVM, bare knuckle style!
Blue.MVVM is, and will remain, an ultra lightweight suite supporting your Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) based applications.

_about this package_

This package includes highly configurable converters.
Included converters in this package so far:
- BoolToVisibilityConverter: With configurable Visbilities for True/False input values
- MultiplyDoubleConverter: configurable standard factor, additional (optional) factor vie ConvererParameter, (optional) Min- and MaxValues
- ObjectToVisibilityConverter -> using strategy-pattern to allow various configurations
- Int32ToVisibilityConverter -> using strategy-pattern to allow various configurations
- Int16ToVisibilityConverter -> using strategy-pattern to allow various configurations
- Int64ToVisibilityConverter -> using strategy-pattern to allow various configurations
- SingleToVisibilityConverter -> using strategy-pattern to allow various configurations
- DoubleToVisibilityConverter -> using strategy-pattern to allow various configurations
- FormatStringConverter
- Int16OffsetConverter
- Int32OffsetConverter
- Int64OffsetConverter
- SingleOffsetConverter
- DoubleOffsetConverter
- ThicknessConverter
- MappingConverter -> easily define Mappings in XAML, e.g.: Derive classes FileAccessToBrushConverter : MappingConverter<FileAccess, Brush> and FileAccessToBrush : MappingDefinition<FileAccess, Brush> and use in XAML like:
<FileAccessToBrushConverter x:Key="FileAccessToBrush">
<FileAccessToBrush From="Read" To="Yellow" />
<FileAccessToBrush From="Write" To="Red" />
<FileAccessToBrush From="ReadWrite" To="Green" />

The package currently integrates a resource-dictionary, demonstrating the intended usage of the converters.

Feel free to delete this file when you familiarized with the usage. However, don´t extend this file, as this may be updated in future releases, until the corresponding "sample" pacakge is available

_what to expect in future releases?_

There are many ideas around regarding upcoming releases of the Blue.MVVM suite.
However, those updates will be shipped in form of additional packages.

This way, you can add just those packages that best fits your application and needs.

Upcoming releases may include, but are not limited to:
+ XML-comments
- packages with samples
- (fluid)validation
- message broker
- IoC-Container integration
- public git-repo
- many more...

So stay tuned for updates!

Send feedback, feature-request, unexpected breaking changes, etc. via the projects nuget-page,, until there is a projet homepage...

Got any Blue.MVVM.Converter Question?


Version: 1.5.0
Author(s): earloc
Last Update: Monday, January 11, 2016
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
NuGet Url:

Install-Package Blue.MVVM.Converter
dotnet add package Blue.MVVM.Converter
paket add Blue.MVVM.Converter
Blue.MVVM.Converter Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)





