Top 20 NuGet lightweight Packages
NC.SqlBuilder is a lightweight SQL builder
Extensibility APIs for Open Folder and lightweight Solution load in Visual Studio.
A lightweight, fluent and extensible validation library that allows you to specify validations right where you need them.
No extra classes needed, strongly typed errors and extensibility built right into the core.
Summer Batch Core is a lightweight, reliable, efficient, open-source batch framework for .Net and C# community.
Its design is driven by the concepts exposed in the JSR-352 specification and provides for .NETCore 3.1 C# an equivalent to JBatch / Spring Batch.
Key Features:
• Repeatable and customi...
Demo console program for PigJSonLib
Lightweight LINQ query builder
Simple, lightweight logger for Windows .Net Applications
A lightweight generic entities cacheable repository using Dapper
Lightweight Logging Extension implementation of log4net
A very lightweight JSON parsing and assembly toolkit.
A simple and lightweight, in-memory key/value-pair storage for persisting data in dotnet (core) apps.
An ultra-lightweight MVC framework for the web that handles page requests and RESTful web API calls.
An RabbitMQ implementation of RDS.CaraBus
Lightweight high performance reliable UDP library
Lightweight source only package with TypeMeta class - set of utils that aids in reflection tasks. Consume via <PackageReference Include="Nemesis.Essentials.TypeMeta.Sources" Version="VERSION" PrivateAssets="All" />
This package was built from the source at
A super lightweight handy utility to return a result with a value on success or errors on failure. Better error handling.
A specification library for Rochas.DapperRepository implementation
A lightweight client MVC framework for building small Single Page Applications in Javascript. Based on some of the principles that drive Backbone it's an ideal lightweight solution for people either familiar with Backbone or wanting to start learning it.
Simple RabbitMQ implementation for lightweight .NET Event Bus Library
SIMON and SPECK are families of lightweight block ciphers; those block ciphers are efficient and provide high performances across a wide range of devices. This package includes classes that allow you to encrypt and decrypt using native libraries that are using SIMD such as AVX2 or NEON.