NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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NMoneys [8 dependencies]

Implementation of the Money Value Object to support representing moneys in the currencies defined in the ISO 4217 standard, operations over monetary quantities and formatting of its representation.
This package contains the required metadata to develop web applications with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. It is a slightly modified version of the web library from the Script# project by Nikhil Kothari (
CryptSharp provides a number of password crypt algorithms - BCrypt, LDAP, MD5 (and Apache's htpasswd variant), PHPass (WordPress, phpBB, Drupal), SHA256, SHA512, and Traditional and Extended DES. Additionally it includes Blowfish, SCrypt, and PBKDF2 for any HMAC (.NET's built-in PBKDF2 implementatio...
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Friendly.Windows.Grasp [8 dependencies]

You will be able to get the desired window. This library is built on Friendly Layer.
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Quarks.AttributeHelper [8 dependencies]

Provides easy methods for obtaining attributes, and improves performance by keeping retrieved attributes in a dictionary cache
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Treehopper [8 dependencies]

Treehopper connects the physical world to your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
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PBS.OS.Packages.Api.Models [8 dependencies]

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Adf [8 dependencies]

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3v.EvtSource [8 dependencies]

Server-Sent Events (SSE) client implementation for .net core and .net standard
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Naos.Serialization.Bson [8 dependencies]

Serialization logic used by Naos assets, provides both Binary and String serialization in BSON using Mongo. It includes auto configuration logic and various helper methods that can be used independently.
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Amazon.CDK.AWS.ECR [8 dependencies]

The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ECR (Stability: Stable)
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Messaia.Net.Service [8 dependencies]

Service Library
Autofac module to help with setting up a lightweight event handling infrastructure.
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z.Foundation.Model [8 dependencies]

Logging contract
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inteltbb.devel.linux [8 dependencies]

Package includes header files, linux-x64 dynamic libraries Intel® oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) is a flexible performance library that supports scalable parallel programming using C++ code compliant with ISO C++ standard.
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Blauhaus.Common.Config [8 dependencies]

Package Description
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BimLab.PikTools.Di [8 dependencies]

PikTools DI Library
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Boogie.Core [8 dependencies]

Package Description
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion Blazor AutoComplete, ComboBox, DropDownList, ListBox, and MultiSelect Dropdown.