Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RT.Serialization

Total dependencies: 8

Wad of stuff. Code from 1.* of this package has been moved to one of the following packages: RT.Util.Core, RT.Serialization.Json / RT.Serialization.Xml, RT.Json, RT.PostBuild and RT.Util.Legacy.
An in-process HTTP server.
Legacy code from RT.Util. Preserved only to make it possible to compile ancient unmaintained private projects.
Serialize classes to/from XML. The feature set is optimized for maintaining backwards compatibility of serialized files as the classes evolve, in particular when used for application settings / configuration.
Serialize classes to/from JSON. The feature set is optimized for maintaining backwards compatibility of serialized files as the classes evolve, in particular when used for application settings / configuration.
Serialize classes to/from binary using a custom binary format. The feature set is optimized for maintaining backwards compatibility of serialized files as the classes evolve, in particular when used for application settings / configuration.
Contains functionality to localize and internationalize (translate) software into other languages. Use this library to make your library support translations in an application using RT.Lingo.
The client API required to write modules for the HTTP server Propeller.