NuGet Packages By Dependencies
Args [8 dependencies]
Command line parser for .NET. Parses command line parameters into custom POCO objects.
jQuery Easing [8 dependencies]
A jQuery plugin from GSGD to give advanced easing options.
Log4Net.Async [8 dependencies]
Asynchronous Log4Net appenders and forwarder
Grpc.Auth [8 dependencies]
gRPC C# Authentication Library
Microsoft.DocAsCode.Dfm [8 dependencies]
Package Description
PaulMiami.AspNetCore.Mvc.Recaptcha [8 dependencies]
This is a helper library for google reCAPTCHA 2.0
Getting started guide:
Change log:
OfficeOpenXml.Core.ExcelPackage [8 dependencies]
Odachi.Abstractions [8 dependencies]
Abstractions used across Odachi framework.
Shared Validators [8 dependencies]
This is the Validators module of the Shared framework.
Enterprise Library - Transient Fault Handling Application Block - Windows Azure SQL Database Integration for for .Net Core & .Net Standard [8 dependencies]
Transient error detection strategies to use with Windows Azure SQL Database, for the Transient Fault Handling Application Block ("Topaz"). This library contains a class library that targets .Net Core 2.0 & .Net Standard 2.0.
Nethereum.HdWallet [8 dependencies]
Nethereum.HdWallet uses BIP32 and BIP39 to generate an HD tree of Ethereum compatible addreses from a randomly generated word seeds.
This is compatible with keys generated using the standard (m/44'/60'/0'/0/x) usded in BIP44, MetaMask, Jaxx, MyEtherWallet (default), TREZOR App, Exodus
or (...
Quartz.NET [8 dependencies]
Quartz.NET Jobs; Quartz Scheduling Framework for .NET
OSharpNS.AspNetCore [8 dependencies]
OSharp AspNetCore组件,提供AspNetCore的服务端功能的封装
EasyCaching.Redis [8 dependencies]
A simple distributed caching provider based on StackExchange.Redis.
Dolittle.DependencyInversion.Autofac [8 dependencies]
Dolittle is a platform designed to build Line of Business applications without sacrificing architectural quality, code quality or scalability.
Spark.AspNetCore [8 dependencies]
NSwag.Generation [8 dependencies]
NSwag: The OpenAPI/Swagger API toolchain for .NET and TypeScript
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'androidx.sqlite:sqlite-framework'. [8 dependencies]
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'androidx.sqlite:sqlite-framework'.
Library description: The implementation of Support SQLite library using the framework code.
SheshaMobile.Elements [8 dependencies]
The elements module contains common components for building apps such as form inputs, lists, badges, etc.
KmopoFramework.Lib.Utils.Mvc [8 dependencies]
KmopoFramework utils for Mvc