NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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NHotkey.Wpf [1 dependencies]

A managed library to handle global hotkeys in WPF applications. This package contains the concrete HotkeyManager implementation for WPF.
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Odachi.Gettext [1 dependencies]

Gettext file parsing library.
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Nerven.StringParser [1 dependencies]

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MoinUserMdlCore [1 dependencies]

moin的用户管理类 包含 了 用户管理模块的 ef的处理
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XrmMockup365 [1 dependencies]

Engine which simulates your exact Dynamics 365/CRM instance locally including all of it's logic!
Collection of tools for developing console applications. This package contains the basic funtionality like application handling and command line argument parsing/mapping like the 4.* version of the ConsoLovers.ConsoleToolkit did, but usable for .NetStandard 2.0
CognitiveServices Translator Client for the V3 of the API.
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SDHC.Umbraco.Member [1 dependencies]

My package description.
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DataBus.Support [1 dependencies]

All tools, extensions and interfaces for DataBus
This package implements base logic for web api startup configuration, including logging, caching, automapping, authentication, authorization, exception handling, api versioning and api documentation with Swagger.
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boost_thread-vc142 [1 dependencies]

boost_thread-vc142. Compiler: Visual Studio 2019 16.11.31.
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BufferedLogger [1 dependencies]

Provides BufferedLoggerExtension for ILogger
.NET WPF component for virtual keyboards.
Package Description
Charting library
Static HTML Reporter.
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Actipro Gauge (for WPF) [1 dependencies]

Gauge contains a complete set of circular, linear, and digital gauge controls for WPF applications, along with LED lights and flip switches. Visually render multiple data points in a compact area that is quickly recognized and understood by users. All gauge appearances can be customized using an e...