NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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ProxyApi [1 dependencies]

A library to auto-generate JavaScript proxy objects from WebAPI and MVC controllers.
Dependency injection modules for Windsor that can be used to integrate MvcSiteMapProvider into an existing dependency injection setup. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually any part of MvcSiteMapProvider by implementing one of its interfaces and injecting an inst...
Jest to metapakiet zestawów satelickich dla języka polskiego dotyczących produktu ASP.NET SignalR.
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Bundler.System.Web [1 dependencies]

Package for using the standard System.Web.Optimization bundling with Bundler
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Moberan.Common [1 dependencies]

Moberan Use Common C# Library
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SharpArch.Web.Http [1 dependencies]

Provides declarative transaction support for WebApi.
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Platformus.Static [1 dependencies]

Part of the Platformus.Static Platformus extension.
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DC.NHibernate.NodaTime [1 dependencies]

NHibernate customizations for using NodaTime
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-MQ'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
caching strategies with repository pattern for EF
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TheFinestArtist's Utils [1 dependencies]

TheFinestArtist's Utils
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SkiaSharp.QrCode [1 dependencies]

QrCode for .NET Standard with Skia.Sharp. No GDI, no System.Drawing.
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TCM.EventBus [1 dependencies]

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MajorisClub.Entities [1 dependencies]

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CloudYxt.Models [1 dependencies]

云享通.Net Core常用WEBAPI数据类型及MongoDB扩展库,如:MongoDB常用方法、基于MongoDB的对象存储OSS方法,MongoDB索引自维护等。
Abstractions for time services in Acuit Pinpoint.
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FolderBrowserEx [1 dependencies]

FolderBrowserEx is a library to use the Windows Vista/7 Folder Browser in your .NET Framework and .NET Core Applications.
Imageflow.Server plugin for caching processed images to a limit amount of space on disk.