NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Productivity enhancements to Autofac WebApi Integration
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ReactiveTables [1 dependencies]

Looking for a way to display and manipulate real-time in a GUI?
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Deflector [1 dependencies]

A library for intercepting all method calls at runtime in nearly any .NET application.
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CodeSmith.Engine [1 dependencies]

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GpuEx Runtime.JimTcl [1 dependencies]

This package contains an embeded JimTcl engine.
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Sectional Logger [1 dependencies]

A logger which keeps the log file on a set size, by grouping the file in sections and delete the oldest one when neccessary
Signed Xamarin Firebase - IID assemblies for Intersoft Crosslight.
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TimeIt [1 dependencies]

Provides utilities for wrapping regions of code and performing actions based on the time it takes for them to run.
Package Description
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Seven.Server [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Simple wrapper with its factory for working with PostgreSQL database connections by Dapper and Npgsql
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MiLibCode.Infrastructure [1 dependencies]

Free, open source and cross-platform framework for creating modular and extendable web applications based on ASP.NET Core. Heavily Inspired By ExtCore and Abp
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PureOrigin.API [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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jaytwo.ejson [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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JeffSoft.Identity [1 dependencies]

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Magiq.Mobile.Extensions [1 dependencies]

Provides general helpers for C# and netstandard2.0
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CoreAs.Core [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Xyaneon.Games.Dice [1 dependencies]

A .NET Standard 2.0 library for dice, including standard and custom dice.
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NetPro.Core [1 dependencies]

Package Description
The MBW.HassMQTT packages will help in creating .NET applications that integrate with Home Assistant using its MQTT transport. This package contains HASS MQTT discovery models.