NuGet Packages By Dependencies

The framework to build custom wizards in Visual Studio 2013.
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boost_log_setup-vc110 [1 dependencies]

boost_log_setup-vc110. Compiler: Visual Studio 2012 Update 4.
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yesmarket.Linq.Expressions [1 dependencies]

Utility for comparing LINQ Expressions
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Adai.DataCore [1 dependencies]

Provides a JSON.Net contract resolver to (de-)serialize models with private setters or getter-only auto properties.
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Coderr.Client.NetStd [1 dependencies]

Automates exception handling for .NET standard based applications
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Flatware [1 dependencies]

Type-safe F# state management (like Elm and Redux) for Blazor.
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BlueFox.RedisDB [1 dependencies]

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JDCloudSDK.Rds [1 dependencies]

目前RDS OpenAPI支持云数据库 MySQL、Percona、MariaDB、SQL Server、PostgreSQL
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TraceDbConnection [1 dependencies]

Lightweight decoration over DbConnection for tracing queries.
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Astron.IoC [1 dependencies]

Lightweight from scratch IoC container for dependency injection logic.
Common helper classes developed with ApprovalTests
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DSoft.ServiceRegistrar [1 dependencies]

Dependency Injection and Service registration system
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StockSharp.Coinbase [1 dependencies]

Trading and algorithmic trading platform (stock markets, forex, bitcoins and options). .NET API for InteractiveBrokers, GainCapital, OANDA, FIX/FAST, Binance etc. More info on web site
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KissU.Caching [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Common validator functions and other extension methods that are used all the time.
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Insight.Authorization.Jwt [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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H.Utilities.SpecialFolder [1 dependencies]

Package Description