NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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SPATools.Advanced [1 dependencies]

SPA Tools is a set of tools and frameworks to help creating modern web apps. This package contains advanced modules : - Base64 Helper - Assets Loader - Assets Caching - Navigator Detection - Path utilities
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ManagedCuda-75-Standalone [1 dependencies]

My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC view features components.
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gtest-vc140-static-32_64 [1 dependencies]

Google C++ testing framework.
Package Description
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Indigitall.Android [1 dependencies]

indigitall's library binded to C#
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GameDef [1 dependencies]

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RexSheng SuperNet [1 dependencies]

Ado.Net Extensions
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Diamond.Utility [1 dependencies]

common utility class library
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Saguaro.Domain.Commanding [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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StringEnums [1 dependencies]

A simple and flexible alternative to System.Enum, based on strings.
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ConsensusCore.Domain [1 dependencies]

Consensus Algorithm based on Raft that allows for .NET Core applications to implement a clustered configuration.
Package Description
This package adds a ScopeSetId column to CK.tUserFacebook table.
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Kharazmi.AspNetCore.Cqrs [1 dependencies]

Kharazmi.AspNetCore.Cqrs is a framework to provides the minimal infrastructure for CQRS and Event Sourcing architecture.
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52eCommerce.api.model [1 dependencies]

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Pursue.Extension.MongoDB [1 dependencies]

Encapsulation of MongoDB using Entity Framework Pattern operations. Use context management operation, use data warehouse to manage operation document.
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Suave.RazorEngine [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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FS.Abp.Line.Notify.Domain [1 dependencies]

Package Description