NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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NHibernate.JetDriver [1 dependencies]

A Jet (Microsoft Access) driver for NHibernate, from the NHibernate.Contrib project. The source code for the NuGet package can be found here:
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JPB.DataAccess [1 dependencies]

A Fast and rich SQL based ORM that does not uses LINQ expressions for sake of readability and performance for NetCore, NetFramework & NetStandard
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Dear Diary [1 dependencies]

A simple logger with the ability to simultaneously write to several providers.
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Retyped.arcgis-rest-api [1 dependencies]

Arcgis REST API (arcgis-rest-api) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Arragro provider for image manipulation vis ImageMagick.
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Retyped.ssh2-streams [1 dependencies]

Ssh2 Streams (ssh2-streams) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Support objects and interfaces for CE Framework
mesesage queue, service discovery, tenanty-like EF Core query filters. auditing entities, generic repository.
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Roger.Common.Persistence [1 dependencies]

This package has paged result for continuation token
Package Description
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Agmostudio.RPC [1 dependencies]

Nethereum.RPC Ethereum Core RPC Class Library to interact via RCP with an Ethereum client, for example geth.
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LabApps.Types [1 dependencies]

Base types.
Extended version of System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection. This class allows you to: 1) Use AddRange, invoking the CollectionChanged event only once 2) Use RemoveRange, invoking the CollectionChanged event only once 3) Monitor properties of the items in the collection 4) Ad...
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Hygeian.Runtime.Core [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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DataCrawler.Model [1 dependencies]

Package Description
AWS Neptune provider binding for ExRam.Gremlinq.
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Stratiteq.Extensions [1 dependencies]

Useful Linq extension methods for netstandard 2.0.
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CSharpKit.LIBHDF [1 dependencies]

This package contains c library for the HDF5 1.10.x C-API with x86/x64 support. For documenation, see the "Core Libray" at