NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Whitebox [1 dependencies]

Whitebox is a profiler for IoC containers, providing information and diagnostics about created components and their lifetimes. This assembly provides connectivity between applications and the profiler.
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Nemiro.OAuth [1 dependencies]

Nemiro.OAuth is a class library for authorization using OAuth protocol in .NET Framework. The library provides mechanisms for implementing OAuth clients, and also contains a ready-to-use clients for popular websites. Nemiro.OAuth is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. Features * Suppo...
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angular-ui-grid [1 dependencies]

UI Grid: an Angular Data Grid
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Mailcloud.Hydra.Core [1 dependencies]

Sharding library for Azure Storage optimised for multithreading.
Wrapper for the ConfigurationManager class - Contract - Add-in X
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QCommon.UI.Resource [1 dependencies]

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Freya.Machines.Http.Cors [1 dependencies]

An extension to the Freya HTTP Machine adding CORS support
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Firestorm Roots Start [1 dependencies]

Ties in Endpoints by providing a StartResourceFactory for Roots.
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CoreEventBus.Entity [1 dependencies]

A MircoEventBus Based on Bara(orm) and RabbitMQ,Make Event-Driven Design Simple and Reliable.This Package is Publish/Subscribe Event Entities.Document will be publish while not busy.any Problem can add qq Group:485431964
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DevAccelerateLists [1 dependencies]

Provides interfaces and base functionality for lists of common entities such as generic lists, currencies, countries, time zones, etc.
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FbMessenger.Messaging [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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FactoryFactory [1 dependencies]

Yet Another IOC Container for .NET
Targets files to enable the Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes.
ThinkLogic Extensions ServiceBus
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Core.English [1 dependencies]

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Kikikot.BECore.Application [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Provides support for User Secrets with Arcus Secret Store
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NBomber.FSharp.Http [1 dependencies]

F# extensions for NBomber.Http