NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Metroframework.Design [1 dependencies]

Brings the new Modern UI alias Metro UI of Windows 8 to .NET Windows Forms applications.
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DotNetProjects.Interlinq [1 dependencies]

Framework Assembly for DotNetProjects.Interlinq
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Cogito.Irony [1 dependencies]

Various add-on services for working with Irony.
DEPRECATED! Use UnitsNet 4.0.0 or later instead, which is now signed. This package will be unlisted sometime later. Get all the common units of measurement and the conversions between them. It is light-weight and thoroughly tested.
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PureMVC [1 dependencies]

PureMVC is a lightweight framework for creating applications based upon the classic Model-View-Controller design meta-pattern.
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CXuesong.JsonRpc.Standard [1 dependencies]

An asynchronous JSON RPC server & client library.
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Usc.Protocol [1 dependencies]

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Propter Hoc [1 dependencies]

Propter Hoc is a causality toolkit for .NET Core / ASP.NET MVC Core
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Giraffe.DotLiquid [1 dependencies]

DotLiquid templating engine http handlers for the Giraffe web framework.
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SPMeta2.Reverse [1 dependencies]

Provides common infrastructure and services.
ASP.NET Core lightup integration with Azure KeyVault.
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Algorist.Logging.NLog [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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FluentFramework [1 dependencies]

FluentFramework is a nHibernate based object-relational mapper (O/RM) that enables .NET developers to work with a database using .NET objects.
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Communicate Archeo [1 dependencies]

SDK for logging with Archeo
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Optivem.Parser.Base [1 dependencies]

A collection of common simple workflow item type implementations.
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ImGalaxy.ES.Projector [1 dependencies]

EventSourcing, ES, CQRS, DDD, Projection
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LinqSharp.EFCore [1 dependencies]

LinqSharp is a smarter linq extension. It allows you to write simpler code to generate complex queries.
Package Description