NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Ifa [1 dependencies]

ASP NET MVC 4 paginator
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Fluently [1 dependencies]

Easily wrap your API with a fluent interface. Now without having to write a custom fluent API wrapper!
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Apex [1 dependencies]

Apex is a Control, MVVM and Utility library for WPF, Silverlight and Windows Phone projects. It provides a standardised framework for quick and effective MVVM based development.
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boost_math_tr1f-vc140 [1 dependencies]

boost_math_tr1f-vc140. Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
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Helpfulcore.Localization [1 dependencies]

Abstracted localization service for Sitecore solutions which uses default dictionary items for translations. Automatic dictionary item creation feature support based on dictionary dot separated key format.
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ParticleBuddy [1 dependencies]

A very simple particle engine for Monogame projects
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jQuery.contextMenu [1 dependencies]

The contextMenu Plugin was designed for web applications in need of menus on a possibly large amount of objects. Unlike implementations as a beautiful site's or trendskitchens' this contextMenu treats the menu as the primary object. That means, that a single menu is defined that can be used by multi...
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Improving.DbUp [1 dependencies]

Adds support to DbUp for SeedData, FirstRun, Always Run and Migrations folders
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Lamb.Commands [1 dependencies]

Personal package.
Automatic implementation of change detection for MVVM properties.
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Prometheus.Client.Owin [1 dependencies]

Middleware for the Prometheus.Client
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Sat4j Pseudo [1 dependencies]

Sat4j is a full featured boolean reasoning library designed to bring state-of-the-art SAT technologies to the Java Virtual Machine. This is the IKVM version; which is to say that this is compiled from Java to .NET
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Bnsights.MvcControls [1 dependencies]

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Jc.Core.Data [1 dependencies]

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ACUtils [1 dependencies]

Collezione di utility varie
An abp application module where you can create gift cards and your app user can use them to exchange something.
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Jarvis.Chat.SignalR.Utils [1 dependencies]

Biblioteca de utilidades para chat com SignalR.
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Structures.Utilities [1 dependencies]

A project containing useful utilities
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LeanCode.PdfGenerator [1 dependencies]

LeanCode Core library
Dependency for the Constant Care for Kentico extension. Also installed in the MVC Project/Site.