NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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OpenCV [2 dependencies]

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions for realtime computer vision. OpenCV is released under a BSD license and hence it’s free for both academic and commercial use. It has C++, C, Python and Java (Android) interfaces and supports Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and ...
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Data Pipeline [2 dependencies]

Pull Data from file, web, sql => do some process => storage, Developer can easy to extend the framework by define own nodes in the pipeline.
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PlayFab CSharp Sdk [2 dependencies]

Authentication, in-game commerce, player data, title data, inventory, characters, statistics, leaderboards, analytics and reporting, friends, multiplayer, matchmaking, tournaments, cloud script, trading, real-time event handling, player management, live ops, and server hosting for all major platform...
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StructureMap.Dnx [2 dependencies]

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NRobotsCore [2 dependencies]

.NET Core port of sjdirect/nrobots. A robots.txt parser written in c#. This is an unofficial fork of NRobots.txt on codeplex with extended functionality. For full documentation see
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7z compressor libs [2 dependencies]

7z c# extractor and compressor
Basic class library used to develop UGNX9.0
Package with useful converters and extensions
Fundamental types for representing astronomical quantities and general utilities
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FastMember-surgicalcoder [2 dependencies]

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Cronus [2 dependencies]

Cronus is a lightweight framework for building event driven systems with DDD/CQRS in mind.
Narik Application Block For .Net Core
Package Description
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FkCore.Infrastructure [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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MandateThat [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Auth0 library for Balzor
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RestCaller [2 dependencies]

Cliente para llamadas REST
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Redakt.ContentManagement [2 dependencies]

Redakt Content Management module core services and logic.
Provides fluent extensions of .NET Core's service registration mechanism so that consumers can easily wire in large sets of Autofac configuration, without crowding their `Startup` classes. An alternative to `Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection`. This package is for Autofac ver...
Package Description