NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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NDBGen [2 dependencies]

Use a concise syntax to define your database schema, then use it to automatically generate ORM models and a database installation script. Generators currently implemented include LINQ-to-SQL, SQL Server and a Visual Studio project manager. The plugin system allows generators to be created for theore...
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FlitBit.Copy [2 dependencies]

A small copy framework; dynamically emits copiers to copy an object to another similarly structured object.
Slim progress bars for Ajax'y applications. Inspired by Google, YouTube, and Medium. Checkout project site at
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Orc.FilterBuilder [2 dependencies]

FilterBuilder library.
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SendGrid.SmtpApiPlus [2 dependencies]

Easily use your favorite SMTP client library to send mail through SendGrid with the proper X-SMTPAPI headers.
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VSSDK.DTE.10 [2 dependencies]

This package provides the Automation and Extensibility (EnvDTE) COM-interop assemblies used by Visual Studio 2010 and newer. EnvDTE100.dll
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Gekkota .net API [2 dependencies]

This is the library with all interfaces to extend the gekkota dotnet library and the gekkota windows apps
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Treenumerable [2 dependencies]

Treenumerable is a general purpose library for enumerating, traversing and querying just about any tree.
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MsSqlDBUtility [2 dependencies]

Simple wrapper for calls to MSSQL database. Originally from MS good practices.
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SADevEx151 [2 dependencies]

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J.Base.Lib [2 dependencies]

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Adyen for Android - CSE [2 dependencies]

Xamarin.Android binding library - Adyen for Android - CSE
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PatternLab.Core.Razor [2 dependencies]

Razor assemblies for the .NET version of Pattern Lab
Aardvark is an open-source platform for visual computing, real-time graphics and visualization.
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EthNet.JsonRpc [2 dependencies]

Localization for the Piranha CMS manager panel
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C1.iOS.DataCollection [2 dependencies]

DataCollection provides .Net iOS support for data features like sorting, grouping and filtering with the UITableView and UICollectionView controls. It enables support for advanced features such as pull-to-refresh and incremental, on-demand loading.
An update to Component factory's krypton toolkit to support .NET Core, .NET 5 and the latest .NET 3.5/4.x framework. This is the navigator module. This package supports only .NET Framework >= 4.8, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5/6. If you require .NET 4.0 support or want to use library fu...
Logging contract shared library
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DCMS.Module.Tenant.Domain [2 dependencies]

DCMS Module Tenant(租户管理) - Domain